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Deep Medicine
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Deep Medicine

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Mazen Ahmed

Originally published on Towards AI.

How AI is changing Healthcare
Image by Author

I have worked in the field of health data analysis for around 3 years now and have started to pick up on the revolutionary and profound impact collecting and analysing healthcare data can have on human longevity. We are essentially learning from our medical mistakes, but now it’s not just us that is doing the learning.

Artificial intelligence (AI), as I would like to put it, a computer’s ability to make decisions without being explicitly programmed has brought us to an era where both hope and fear have been at the forefront of this strange entity.

AI widens the divide between fruitful and damaging human endeavours. Where medicine is, in general, well intended — such intention is reciprocated by the application of AI. We can see improvements in diagnostics as an example, where sophisticated algorithms have outperformed radiologists in detecting cancer.

Just as Medicine promotes the preservation of human life, AI can be equally applied towards the destruction of human life. Integrating this technology in weaponry systems only enhances the deadly effects of warfare.

Medicine is one field, where I would like to believe, hope outweighs fear.

In this article I explore how AI can make healthcare more human, what are the prospects… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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