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Single Vs Multi-Task LLM Instruction Fine-Tuning

Author(s): Youssef Hosni

Originally published on Towards AI.

The comparative advantages and challenges of single-task versus multi-task fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs) are explored. The discussion begins with single-task fine-tuning, highlighting its benefits and drawbacks, including the issue of catastrophic forgetting.

It then transitions to an overview of multitasking fine-tuning, examining both its challenges and potential benefits. The introduction of FLAN models, specifically the FLAN-T5, demonstrates advancements in multitask instruction tuning.

Detailed guidance on fine-tuning FLAN-T5 for specific applications, such as summarizing customer service chats, illustrates practical use cases. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the strategic considerations involved in choosing between single-task and multitask fine-tuning approaches for LLMs.

Introduction to Single-Task Fine-Tuning1.1. Benefits and Drawbacks of Single-Task Fine-Tuning1.2. Catastrophic Forgetting in Fine-TuningMultitask Fine-Tuning Overview2.1. Challenges and Benefits of Multitask Fine-Tuning2.2. Introduction to FLAN Models2.3. Overview of FLAN-T52.4. Fine-Tuning FLAN-T5 for Specific Use CasesExample: Summarizing Customer Service Chats

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Published via Towards AI

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