Unlock the full potential of AI with Building LLMs for Production—our 470+ page guide to mastering LLMs with practical projects and expert insights!

Category: Natural Language Processing

LangChain + Plotly Dash: Build a ChatGPT Clone
Prompt Engineering AI for Modular Python Dashboard Creation
GPTs vs. Human Crowd in Real-World Text Labeling: Who Outperforms Who?
How to Use Auto-GPT to Write and Fix Code for You
From Novice to Expert: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Study Plan for Mastering LLMs
Create Your First Chatbot Using GPT 3.5, OpenAI, Python and Panel.
MLCoPilot: Empowering Large Language Models with Human Intelligence for ML Problem Solving
MLCoPilot: Empowering Large Language Models with Human Intelligence for ML Problem Solving
Engineering Prompt Chains With Language Models to Craft a “Summarizer Almighty” Web App
Truveta LLM: FirstLarge Language Model for Electronic Health Records
Pre-train, Prompt, and PredictPart1
Exploring Toolformer: Meta AI New Transformer Learned to Use Tools to Produce Better Answers
How to Use Hugging Face Pipelines?
Bard: Google releases ChatGPT Competitor That Will Respond Using Current Data
A GPT-3 Bot that Uses Pubmed Abstracts to Answer Science Questions