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The NLP Cypher | 10.25.20
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The NLP Cypher | 10.25.20

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Ricky Costa

Originally published on Towards AI.

Photo by Youhana Nassif on Unsplash


The NLP Cypher U+007C 10.25.20

On Her Majesty’s Service

Was knocking about the Big Bad NLP Database when I arrived on a unique dataset. This lot, and it’s accompanying GitHub repo, struck me as bizarre, first, because of its content and second, because of its author/sponsor. So I went down the rabbit hole.

The dataset, called re3d, was created by a couple of consultancies in the UK on behalf of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), which is part of the ultra-secret Porton Down government facility. The tech lab is a daughter agency of the UK Ministry of Defense and you can think of it as the UK’s version of DARPA/Skunkworks. And they have an β€œinteresting” history. But why does one of the UK’s most secretive labs have an interest in NLP, and more specifically, an entity/relation extraction dataset? Well… according to their repo:

The project aimed to create a β€˜gold standard’ dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing (NLP); specifically focusing on entity and relationship extraction relevant to somebody operating in the role of a defence and security intelligence analyst.

say wha?! U+1F9D0

Their datasets consist of JSON files with entities and relations extracted encompassing several β€œinteresting” sectors: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, BBC Online, CENTCOM, Delegation of the European Union to Syria, UK Government, US State Department, & (everyone’s favorite) Wikipedia. U+1F468‍U+1F4BB

So what does it look like? Here’s an example from their relations.json file in the CENTCOM (US Central Command) folder: This shows metadata of the entity β€œJoseph Votel”, his relation of being β€œIsSynomymOf” with the entity of β€œcommander of U.S. Central Command” and also includes text span metadata from the source document. U+1F441

{'_id': '001C9C3F3DFE16B4921B1E906F66E161-3-14-47-0-12-IsSynonymOf', 'begin': 395, 
'confidence': 1,
'documentId': '001C9C3F3DFE16B4921B1E906F66E161',
'end': 397,
'source': 'commander of U.S. Central Command',
'sourceBegin': 397,
'sourceEnd': 430,
'target': 'Joseph Votel',
'targetBegin': 383,
'targetEnd': 395,
'type': 'IsSynonymOf',
'value': ','}

Here’s the source URL from the example above:

β€œsourceUrl” : β€œ”

Essentially, this dataset allows one to create relation/entity graphs to military personnel, locations, weapons and other treats from publicly available articles. And if you use your imagination, this dataset can be used for crazy stuff.U+1F62C

top secret

Their GitHub repo offers a complete view of their schema for relations and entities, and it seems that the DSTL has other β€œinteresting” repositories you may want to check out. Give the dataset a try and let me know what other things you may find! Just don’t tell MI6. info @ quantumstat . com

This message will self destruct in 30 seconds.


This dataset was the output of a project carried out by Aleph Insights and Committed Software on behalf of the Defence…

RL for NLP

New Repos


MAST: Multimodal Abstractive Summarization with Trimodal Hierarchical Attention

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CharacterBERT: Reconciling ELMo and BERT for Word-Level Open-Vocabulary Representations From Characters

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Multi-hop Question Generation with Graph Convolutional Network

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TweetBERT: A Pretrained Language Representation Model for Twitter Text Analysis

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GSum: A General Framework for Guided Neural Abstractive Summarization

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You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. You signed out in another tab or…

NeuSpell: A Neural Spelling Correction Toolkit

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Augmented SBERT: Data Augmentation Method for Improving Bi-Encoders for Pairwise Sentence Scoring Tasks

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Open Question Answering over Tables and Text

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So this model made headlines this week, with Facebook AI revealing M2M-100, a multi-lingual translation model that is independent of English data, which can handle any pair of 100 languages. This is convenient because gives a considerable performance boost by 10 points on BLUE vs traditional methods (that would require the English language as a middle man given its abundance of datasets (e.g. Chinese to English and then English to French for a Chinese to French translation task.))

The training data derives from the massive CCMatrix and CCAligned datasets. In addition, they released a 12B parameter model checkpoint for you to play with. (if you have a gazillion number of GPUs)


In this work, we create a true Many-to-Many multilingual translation model that can translate directly between any pair…

Data Poisoning

Data security is important. Especially when one uses this data to train their models. According to Eric Wallace’s new blog post, there are ways to impact a model’s predictions by using a specific trigger phrase in the input. The example he uses is where an adversary places a trigger phase for β€œApple iPhones” comments (biasing comments to be positive). And when you encounter new data in the wild for inference, the model would predict sample comments regarding β€œApple iPhones” as positive even though comments may have been negative. Read along to learn how they did it:

Data Poisoning

Modern NLP has an obsession with gathering large training sets. For example, unsupervised datasets used for training…

ReGex Is Alive and Well

Amit Chaudhary’s awesome blog discusses a classic: regular expression. The well crafted post is both an introduction and a cheat sheet that can help the regex noob get acquainted to low-level Python (aka where eagles dare).

A Visual Guide to Regular Expression

It's a common task in NLP to either check a text against a pattern or extract parts from the text that matches a…

Forex Data Dump

Want a decade’s worth of FOREX tick data? Someone used the Dukascopy API and had themselves a party. It’s available via seedbox/torrent.

Total Files 463

Total Line Count 8,495,770,706

Total Data Points 33,983,082,824

Total Decompressed Size 501 GB

Total Compressed Size 61 GB


Search in Rust (don’t worry there’s a python wrapper )

MeiliSearch, have you tried it? If you like search and indexing data you should give it a drive. I used it when I was exploring the James Bond dataset discussed in the introduction above. It was also written in Rust so it’s pretty fast!

Here’s a list of its awesome features out of the box:

  • Search as-you-type experience (answers < 50 milliseconds) U+1F525
  • Full-text search
  • Typo tolerant (understands typos and miss-spelling)
  • Faceted search and filters
  • Supports Kanji characters
  • Supports Synonym
  • Easy to install, deploy, and maintain
  • Whole documents are returned
  • Highly customizable
  • RESTful API


U+26A1 Lightning Fast, Ultra Relevant, and Typo-Tolerant Search Engine U+1F50D MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy…



Open source Instant Search Engine

Sorry, no β€œdataset of the week”. This time, there’s this

Every Sunday we do a weekly round-up of NLP news and code drops from researchers around the world.

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