Unlock the full potential of AI with Building LLMs for Production—our 470+ page guide to mastering LLMs with practical projects and expert insights!

Tag: Large Language Models

Revolutionizing Human-Machine Interaction: The Emergence of Prompt Engineering
Swipe Right for Your Career: Build A Tinder for Jobs
Talk to your documents as PDFs, txts, and even web pages
ROUGE Metrics: Evaluating Summaries in Large Language Models.
A Framework For Efficiently Serving Your Large Language Models
The Zero Redundancy Optimizer (ZeRO): A Short Introduction with Python
What Are Large Language Models?
The Python Decorator That Supercharges Developer Experience 🚀
Create Your Own Data Analyst Assistant With Langchain Agents
Beach Reading: a Short History of Pre-Trained Models
Query Your DataFrames with Powerful Large Language Models using LangChain.
Exploring the World of Generative AI, Foundation Models, and Large Language Models: Concepts, Tools, and Trends
In-Context Learning with Transformer-Based Neural Sequence Models.
Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict — Part2
Automated Annotation of Protein Features Using Language Models