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Auto-Streamlit Studio
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Auto-Streamlit Studio

Last Updated on June 30, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Stavros Theocharis

Originally published on Towards AI.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of web application development and artificial intelligence, having the right tools at your disposal can significantly streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Enter AutoStreamlit Studio, an intelligent assistant designed to simplify the creation of Streamlit applications. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, AutoStreamlit Studio automates the process of generating, customizing, and running Streamlit apps based on your specific requirements with GenAI technology.

You can create everything you have in your mind in a fully automated manner. The limit is only your imagination!

This article will provide an in-depth overview of AutoStreamlit Studio, its features, usage guide, and potential impact on your development process.

You can access both the github repository and the app deployed on Streamlit cloud.

Check out also my Youtube video tutorial of the app:

The Evolution of Streamlit Applications

Streamlit has become a popular choice for developers due to its simplicity and power in creating web applications for data visualization, machine learning, and interactive dashboards. However, despite its capabilities, building complex Streamlit apps can still be time-consuming and challenging, especially for those new to the framework. This is where AutoStreamlit Studio comes into play, offering an innovative solution to these challenges by automating much of the development process.

What is AutoStreamlit Studio?

AutoStreamlit Studio is a cutting-edge tool that leverages the power of AI to assist in the creation and management of Streamlit applications. By inputting your requirements through a chat prompt, AutoStreamlit Studio takes care of generating, customizing, and running a Streamlit app tailored to your needs. This tool is designed to save time and enhance productivity, making it a valuable asset for both developers and non-developers.

Key Features

AutoStreamlit Studio comes packed with a range of features designed to make app development as seamless as possible:

Automatic App Generation

AutoStreamlit Studio simplifies the initial development phase by automatically generating a complete Streamlit app based on the requirements you provide. This feature eliminates the need for manual coding from scratch, allowing you to focus on refining and customizing the app.

Customizable Templates

To kickstart your development process, AutoStreamlit Studio offers a variety of predefined templates. These templates serve as a foundation upon which you can build and customize your applications, ensuring that you have a solid starting point for any project.

Interactive Widgets

Adding interactive elements such as charts, tables, and forms is made effortless with AutoStreamlit Studio. These widgets enhance the functionality of your app, making it more engaging and user-friendly.

Voice Commands

For users leveraging the OpenAI provider, AutoStreamlit Studio supports voice commands, allowing for hands-free interaction with the tool. This feature is particularly useful for quickly generating and modifying apps without typing.

Code Editor

AutoStreamlit Studio includes a built-in code editor, enabling you to make direct modifications to the generated code. This allows for greater flexibility and customization, ensuring that the final product meets your specific needs.

Version Control

Managing different versions of your app is crucial for tracking changes and improvements. AutoStreamlit Studio’s version control feature allows you to save, load, and reset versions of your app, providing a comprehensive history of your development process.

File Operations

With AutoStreamlit Studio, handling file operations such as downloading, uploading, and running Streamlit app files is straightforward. This functionality streamlines the process of managing and deploying your applications.

API Token Management

Security is a top priority, and AutoStreamlit Studio ensures that your API tokens are managed securely. The tool supports API token management for OpenAI and Replicate providers, safeguarding your credentials.

Error Handling and Resolution

Coding errors are inevitable, but AutoStreamlit Studio is equipped to identify and resolve them automatically. This feature saves you time and effort, ensuring that your app runs smoothly.

Session Management

Maintaining session state and chat history is essential for continuity. AutoStreamlit Studio handles session expiration and preserves chat history and code state, allowing you to pick up where you left off.

How to Use AutoStreamlit Studio

Getting started with AutoStreamlit Studio is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the tool:

  1. Select Provider and Enter API Key: Begin by choosing your provider (OpenAI or Replicate) and entering the API key to unlock the app’s full functionality.
  2. Enter Your Requirements: Use the chat input box to specify your app requirements. The more detailed your input, the better AutoStreamlit Studio can tailor the app to your needs.
  3. Generate the Script: AutoStreamlit Studio will generate a Streamlit script based on your input. This script serves as the backbone of your application.
  4. View Past Conversations: The chat history feature allows you to review previous interactions and modifications, providing context and continuity.
  5. Use Predefined Templates: Kickstart your development with predefined templates, which can be customized to suit your specific needs.
  6. Edit and Run: Make any necessary modifications to the generated script through the built-in code editor, then run the script to see your app in action.
  7. Save, Load, or Reset Versions: Utilize the version control feature to manage different versions of your app, ensuring you can track changes and revert to previous states if needed.
  8. Clear Chat History: If you need a fresh start, use the ‘Clear chat history’ button to delete previous interactions.
  9. Download the Script: Save the generated script as a .py file for further use or sharing.
  10. Handle Errors: The app will identify any errors in the generated code and provide resolution options, ensuring your app runs without issues.

Sidebar UI

The sidebar of AutoStreamlit Studio is designed to provide easy access to various functionalities, enhancing your workflow:

  • About AutoStreamlit Studio: Learn more about the tool, its capabilities, and its development.
  • How to Use: Detailed instructions on how to interact with AutoStreamlit Studio, ensuring you make the most of its features.
  • API Token Management: Manage your API tokens securely for OpenAI and Replicate providers.
  • Chat History: View the history of your interactions with the assistant, providing a reference for your development process.
  • Template Selection: Choose from a variety of predefined templates to start your app development.
  • Version Control: Manage different versions of your app to keep track of changes and improvements.
  • Code Editor: Edit the generated code directly within the app for further customization.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Simple Data Visualization App

Imagine you need a simple data visualization app to display sales data. By providing your requirements through AutoStreamlit Studio, you can quickly generate an app that includes charts, tables, and interactive elements to visualize your data effectively.

Example 2: Interactive Dashboard for Machine Learning

Suppose you want to create an interactive dashboard to showcase machine learning models. AutoStreamlit Studio can help you build an app that integrates various models, displays their performance metrics, and allows users to interact with the models through a user-friendly interface.

Impact on Development Workflow

AutoStreamlit Studio significantly enhances the development workflow by automating repetitive tasks and reducing the time required to create functional Streamlit apps. This automation allows developers to focus on higher-level tasks, such as refining the user experience and adding advanced features. For non-developers, AutoStreamlit Studio makes it possible to create sophisticated web applications without deep coding knowledge.


AutoStreamlit Studio is poised to revolutionize the way we develop Streamlit applications. By automating the creation and management of apps, it empowers users to quickly turn their ideas into reality. Whether you’re developing data visualizations, interactive dashboards, or other custom applications, AutoStreamlit Studio provides the tools you need to succeed. Embrace this innovative tool and experience the future of app development today. For more information, check out the REAME.md file inside the repo.

✨ Call to Action

I invite you to try AutoStreamlit Studio and see how it can transform your development process. Your feedback and contributions are invaluable as we continue to improve and expand the tool. Join the community, share your experiences, and help shape the future of automated app development.

Follow me on Medium, Github, LinkedIn and Youtube for more updates and tutorials. Happy coding!

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Published via Towards AI

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