Detecting Marine Creatures using the Monk Object Detection Library
Author(s): Aanisha Bhattacharyya Computer Vision The Monk Object Detection Library is a low code library to perform object detection very easily and efficiently. Source: Unsplash About theΒ project: Brackish water creatures as fish, crabs, prawns are consumed by people all over the world. …
What is Perspective WarpingΒ ? | OpenCV and Python
Author(s): G SowmiyaNarayanan A step-by-step guide to apply perspective transformation on images Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Reconstruct Photorealistic Scenes from Touristsβ Public Photos on the Internet!
Author(s): Louis Bouchard Using tourists public photos from the internet, they were able to reconstruct viewpoints of a scene conserving the realistic shadows! Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
What is a Canny Edge Detection Algorithm?
Author(s): Charanraj Shetty Computer Vision A Canny edge detector is a multi-step algorithm to detect the edges for any input image. It involves the below-mentioned steps to be followed while detecting edges of anΒ image. 1. Removal of noise in input image using …
CVML AnnotationβββWhat it is and How to Convert it?
Author(s): Rohit Verma Computer Vision, DeepΒ Learning CVML AnnotationβββWhat it is and How to ConvertΒ it? This article is about CMVL annotation format, and how they can be converted to other annotation formats. Photo by Lenin Estrada onΒ Unsplash In January of 2004, a research …
Easing up the process of Tensorflow 2.0 Object Detection API and TensorRT
Author(s): Abhishek Annamraju Computer Vision Detailed steps to train your own object detector with Monkβs TF-Object-Detection-API, optimize using TensorRT and run inference on GPUΒ systems The entire code is available as a jupyter notebook at Monk Object Detection Library Every computer vision engineer …
ECCV 2020 Best Paper Award | A New Architecture For Optical Flow
Author(s): Louis Bouchard Computer Vision,Β Research Photo by Cris Ovalle onΒ Unsplash ECCV 2020 Best Paper Award Goes to Princeton Team.They developed a new end-to-end trainable model for optical flow.Their method beats state-of-the-art architecturesβ accuracy across multiple datasets and is way more efficient. They …
Flask Web Application with Python
Author(s): Sharon Lim Develop a Convolutional Neural Network model and deploy it as a web application using Flask Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Step By Step Guide In Creating Your Own Emotion Recognition System
Author(s): Nabeel Ahmed Introduction Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Car and Pool Detector Using Monk AI
Last Updated on August 29, 2020 by Editorial Team Author(s): Omkar Tupe Photo by Kelly Lacy fromΒ Pexels Computer Vision About theΒ project This project is focused on detecting cars and pools from satellite images using CornerNet[1]. Performing object detection, by coding from scratch, …
Hand-Segmentation Application(Ego-Hands Dataset) using Monk AI
Author(s): Kushagra Awasthi Making computer vision easy with Monk, low code Deep Learning tool and a unified wrapper for computer vision. Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Object DetectionβββDocument Layout Analysis Using Monk AI
Author(s): Swapnil Ahlawat Object Detection to identify regions of a document. Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Yolo-v5 Object Detection on a custom dataset.
Author(s): Balakrishnakumar V Β Step by step instructions to train Yolo-v5 & do Inference(from ultralytics) to count the blood cells and localizeΒ them. I vividly remember that I tried to do an object detection model to count the RBC, WBC, and platelets on …
Sign Language classification using MonkAI
Author(s): Aanisha Bhattacharyya Sign Language is used to communicate with persons suffering with speech-impairment. A classifier helps us to communicate better with them. Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Deep Computer Vision for the Detection of Tantalum and Niobium Fragments in High Entropy Alloys
Author(s): Akshansh Mishra Computer Vision Deep Computer Vision is capable of doing object detection and image classification task. In image classification tasks, the particular system receives some input image and the system is aware of some predetermined set of categories or labels. …