Linear Regression Complete Derivation With Mathematics Explained!
Author(s): Pratik Shukla Machine Learning Part 3/5 in Linear Regression Part 1: Linear Regression FromΒ Scratch. Part 2: Linear Regression Line Through BruteΒ Force. Part 3: Linear Regression Complete Derivation. Part 4: Simple Linear Regression Implementation FromΒ Scratch. Part 5: Simple Linear Regression Implementation Using …
An End-to-End Comprehensive Summary of Machine Learning
Author(s): Nkwawir Beltus Photo by h heyerlein onΒ Unsplash Machine Learning A cheat sheet for machine learning concepts and practical implementation tips Introduction If you are new to the machine learning world and want to get your feet wet super-fast in all …
Mathematics of Principal Component Analysis with R Code Implementation
Author(s): Benjamin Obi Tayo Ph.D. Originally published on Towards AI. Data Science Image by Benjamin O. Tayo In machine learning, a dataset containing features (predictors) and discrete class labels (for a classification problem such as logistic regression); or features and continuous outcomes …
Having a Hard Time Building the Perfect Model?
Author(s): Davuluri Hemanth Chowdary Credits: Aron Visuals from Unsplash Results of a recent study of over 23,000 data professionals found that data scientists spend about 40% of gathering and cleaning data, 20% of their time building and selecting models, and 11% of …
Contributing a New Large Dataset for SARS-CoV-2 Identification via CT Scan
Author(s): Eduardo Soares and PlamenΒ Angelov Source: PexelsΒ An open-source dataset for the development of artificial intelligent methods able to identify patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 through computed tomography scan analysis You can find the dataset on Kaggle. For the detailed paper, please visitΒ medRxiv. …
Classify Images of Clothing using Tensorflow
Author(s): Naina Chaturvedi Train a basic neural network model to classify images of clothing… Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Towards AI Categories
Author(s): Towards AI Editorial Team Originally published on Towards AI. Source: Pexels Categories Below please find all of the categories for Towards AI in alphabetical order (A-Z) Last updated, March 1, 2021 U+1F916 Towards AI, the data-driven community, discusses artificial intelligence, data …
Docker β Containerization for Data Scientists
Author(s): Dhilip Subramanian Originally published on Towards AI. Top highlight Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay Data Science A simple explanation to containerization with Docker Data scientists come from different backgrounds. In todayβs agile environment, it is highly essential to respond quickly …
Evaluation Metrics for Classification Problems
Author(s): Edward Ma Originally published on Towards AI. Data Science Photo by Edward Ma on Unsplash If you do not know how to justify whether model is good or not, it is similar to you want to get something but you do …
Key Machine Learning Definitions
Author(s): Roberto Iriondo Originally published on Towards AI. Machine Learning Source: Pexels Below please find a searchable glossary of terms that are relevant to the scientific field of machine learning β on ongoing growth. This glossary is by no means complete. If …
Key Machine Learning Definitions
Glossary of the most used definitions in machine learning Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Create a Dataset for Object Detection
Author(s): Pushkar Pushp Originally published on Towards AI. Computer Vision Create a Dataset for Object Detection Source: Unsplash Introduction The first step for most computer vision tasks such as classification, segmentation, or detection is to have custom data for your problem set. …
How to Use Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Research Part 2
Author(s): Roland Hewage Bioinformatics is a combination of many fields. I was doing my undergraduate research on BioInformatics and I had a great passion for… Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …