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Tag: Object Detection

Overview of Object Detection Evaluation Metrics
How R-CNN Works on Object Detection?
EfficientDet: When Object Detection Meets Scalability and Efficiency
Custom Object Detection using EfficientDet- The Simplest way
How to Get Profits in Grape Farming Using YoloV3
RFBNet: Custom Object Detection training with 6 lines of code
Review: DCNv2 — Deformable ConvNets v2 (Object Detection & Instance Segmentation)
Interview Questions: Object Detection
9 ???? Object Detection Datasets
Reading: MegDet — A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector, 1st Place of COCO 2017 Detection Challenge (Object Detection)
Underwater Trash Detection using Opensource Monk Toolkit
Building An End to End Deep Learning Model with Deployment on AWS Cloud using Amazon Sagemaker
Train and Deploy Custom Object Detection Models Without a Single Line Of Code.
Template Matching
Compare and Evaluate Object Detection Models From TorchVision