End-to-End Resume Screening/Parsing Project with Web App
Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Mdabdullahalhasib
Originally published on Towards AI.
An automated process for resume screening for sorted best resumes for your job description and provides mail for all applicants to inform about acceptance or rejection.
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Understand the Problem domain: Suppose you are working as an executive HR in a large industry. Each week, you need to hire employees for your company. For each Job posting, you get a lot of resumes that need to sort out some good resumes for your job description. Among huge resumes, sorting out some good resumes is a very time-consuming and boring task. Also after sorting out resumes, you need to mail each participant manually to inform them about their acceptance or rejection. So, This is very exhausting and you are looking for an automatic process to handle this task very easily and save your time.
Great. We can solve this problem with the help of a Generative AI or LLM model. First We have to extract appropriate information based on the Job description. The information may be name, mail, strong zone, weak zone, matching performance, and so on. Then save the information of all resumes in a Dataframe or CSV format.
Then we have to set a threshold for the resume acceptance or rejection on… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI