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Cubic Polynomial Roots — Using Big Dipper Substitutes
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Cubic Polynomial Roots — Using Big Dipper Substitutes

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Greg Oliver

Originally published on Towards AI.

Substituting Cubics With Their Genetic Infrastructure To Find Roots

This post presents a novel method of calculating approximate roots of Cubic polynomials y=x³+Cx+D, by adopting their genetic Big Dipper, y=-2x³+D skeleton infrastructure, which I recently introduced in my post, Cubic Polynomial Roots — Simpler With Quadratics! This also introduced Big Dipper as a convenient tool for designing Cubics y=x³+Cx+D with specified Turning Points Tp(y)’s because it traces all hybrid Tp(y) values of every x coefficient C.

This post extends Big Dipper’s contributions to Cubic architecture by using it as a substitute for a standard Cubic (has a non-zero Cx component), to obtain an accurate approximation for either of the 2… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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