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Checking For Train, Test, Split Success
Data Science   Latest   Machine Learning

Checking For Train, Test, Split Success

Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Adam Ross Nelson

Originally published on Towards AI.

A look at ascertaining the success of a train, test, split

This article is a look at checking for a successful train, test, and split. Few tutorials discuss this step. The process of executing a train, test, and split procedure is necessary in machine learning and data science to avoid over-fitting and a range of other undesirable results.

A train test split avoids testing a model’s results and abilities with the same data used to train the model. In such a case, the model would likely achieve nearly 100% on any evaluation metric but then later perform poorly when it encounters previously unseen data.

Image Credit: Author’s illustration created in Canva.

If you’re at all like me, you occasionally miss out on sleep for over-thinking a recent project. Perhaps you lay awake because you’re just not sure there was more you should have done on a recent project. Otherwise, you might be stuck wondering if there was something different you could have done on a recent project.

First, this article will discuss what a successful train, test, and split is. Second, I also revisit p-values and the notions of randomness in statistics. Lastly, I will show code that readers may use to evaluate the success of train test splits in practice.

The documentation from SkLearn says… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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