Frustrated by Creating Test Data?
Author(s): Renu Gehring
Originally published on Towards AI.
Generative AI to the rescue
Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash
I have recently been accepted as a writer for Towards AI, which is thrilling because the publicationβs mission of βMaking AI & ML accessible to allβ resonates strongly with me. I believe that I have two key differentiators in βMaking AI & ML Accessible to All.β These are (1) my ability to explain and teach complex technical concepts and applications to general audiences and (2) my overwhelming passion to do so.
From 2005 to 2015, I taught data science classes to groups within corporations. The participants of my classes were a diverse, gifted, and driven bunch. Their job titles ranged from medical doctor, nurse, program manager, public health responder, and analyst. Some were proficient in computer languages. Many had no programming experience. Some had worked with data only within Excel. Many did not have a formal background in statistics or data science. All were curious, with a keen desire to learn new techniques to better do their jobs.
I was lucky that my participants were bright and motivated. But the task of teaching data, syntax, algorithms, and applications within 1β3 days was daunting. I made my work easier by removing both data and syntax from the learning… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI