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Let the Sunburst! — The complete Guide On How To Plot Sunburst Charts in Plotly
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Let the Sunburst! — The complete Guide On How To Plot Sunburst Charts in Plotly

Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Arslan Shahid

Originally published on Towards AI.

A beginner to advanced guide to sunburst charts in Plotly
Image by the Author

After three years of working in data-related roles, I can safely say that the most underrated skill is good data visualization. Having a toolbox of visualization kits available at your disposal is crucial. Plotly has issues but overall, it can help you design very intricate and aesthetically amazing visualizations. One of the most underappreciated visuals in the Plotly library is sunburst charts.

This tutorial step by step goes over these topics, with each gradually becoming more advanced:

What are sunburst charts and use cases for when to use sunburst chartsBasics of plotting sunburst through Plotly expressPlotting as a Plotly graph objectAdvanced styling and best practices

Without further ado, let's start

As Elon Musk once remarked, telling why something is useful is a very good motivator to make people learn. So sunburst charts, are a data visualization based on overlaying circles which can tell about how different categories or groups relate to each other. Below are some use cases for which I have personally used sunburst charts:

Customer Segmentation: At one of my jobs I was required to show how different business-defined customer segments relate to each other. My goto tool was a sunburst chartConversion Metrics: Many of you would have heard of… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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