Deploying Machine Learning Models as API using AWS
Last Updated on January 6, 2023 by Editorial Team
Last Updated on June 12, 2020 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Tharun Kumar Tallapalli
Machine Learning, Cloud Computing
A guide to accessing SageMaker machine learning model endpoints through API using a Lambda function.
As a machine learning practitioner, I used to build models. But just building models is never sufficient for real-time products. ML models need to be integrated with web or mobile applications. One of the best ways to solve this problem is by deploying the model as API and inferencing the results whenever required.
The main advantage of Deploying model as an API is that ML Engineers can keep the code separate from other developers and Update the model without creating a disturbance to Web or App developers.
Workflow: The client sends a request to the API. API trigger is added to the Lambda function which results in invoking the SageMaker endpoint and returning predictions back to the client throughΒ API.
in this article, I will build a simple classification model and test the deployed model API usingΒ Postman.
Letβs get started! The steps weβll be following are:
- Building SageMaker Model Endpoint.
- Creating a Lambda Function.
- Deploying asΒ API.
- Testing withΒ Postman.
Building SageMaker ModelΒ EndPoint
Letβs build an Iris Species Prediction Model.
Note: While training SageMaker classification models, the target variable should be the first column and if it is continuous then convert it into discrete.
1. Creating and Training and Validation data to train and test theΒ model.
2. For Training, the Model, get Image URI of the model in the currentΒ region.
3. Set the Hyperparameters for the model (you can get the best hyperparameters for your model using the SageMaker Auto-Pilot experiment or you can set your own hyperparameters manually).
4. Fit the Model with train and validation data.
5. Now create an Endpoint for theΒ Model.
You can view the Endpoint Configurations in SageMaker UI.
Creating LambdaΒ Function
Now we have a SageMaker model endpoint. Letβs look at how we call it from Lambda. There is an API action called SageMaker Runtime and we use the boto3 sagemaker-runtime.invoke_endpoint(). From the AWS Lambda console, choose to Create function.
- Create a New Role such that Lambda Function has permission to invoke SageMaker endpoint.
2. ENDPOINT_NAME is an environment variable that holds the name of the SageMaker model endpoint we just deployed.
Deploying API
1. Open the Amazon API Gateway console. Choose the Create API, select REST API (as we send a post request and get the response).
2. Name your API and choose endpoint type as Regional (as it should be accessed within yourΒ region).
3. Create a Resource choosing from the Actions drop-down list, giving it a name like βirispredictβ. Click to create resources.
4. When the resource is created, from the same drop-down list, choose Create Method to create a POSTΒ method.
5. On the screen that appears, do the following:
- For the Integration type, choose Lambda Function.
- For Lambda Function, enter the name of the functionΒ created.
6. API Structure will look something like the following image:
7. From Actions select Deploy API. On the page that appears, create a new stage. Call it βspeciesβ and click onΒ Deploy.
8. A window appears with a stage created. Go to the post method, and invoke URL will be generated which is the final API Endpoint.
Testing WithΒ Postman
Postman is a popular API client that makes it easy for developers to create, share, test, and documentΒ APIs.
1. Before Invoking the API through Postman, add your AWS Secret Key and Access Key in Authorization section.
2. Test the Postman. Give input as JSON in Body. The output is displayed accordingly when you click on Send request toΒ API.
Now we have successfully deployed the machine learning model as API using Lambda (a serverless component). This API can be invoked with just one click and inferences are made available easy for users and developers.
Final thoughts
I will get back to you on Deploying ML Models as Web Applications using ElasticBeanStalk and other AWS services. Till then, Stay Home, Stay Safe, and keep exploring!
Get inΒ Touch
I hope you found the article insightful. I would love to hear feedback from you to improvise it and come back better! If you would like to get in touch, connect with me on LinkedIn. Thanks forΒ reading!
[1]Β : AWS Documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/getting-started-client-app.html
Deploying Machine Learning Models as API using AWS was originally published in Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Published via Towards AI