Generative AI Tutorial for Beginners — Part 02: Understanding Machine Learning 🧠📊
Author(s): Sandiip💻 AI Researcher 🚀🤖
Originally published on Towards AI.
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Audience: Student, Technical, Business & other Industry Leaders📖📚
Welcome back! 😐 In Part 1 of our series — Generative AI Tutorial for Beginners, we provided a detailed and comprehensive introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, here’s the link to the first blog post:
Generative AI Tutorial for Beginners — Part 01: Introduction to AI🚀🤖
Now we will deep dive into second part 02 → Generative AI Tutorial for Beginners — Part 02: Understanding Machine Learning.
Definition: What is Machine Learning? 🤖💡History of Machine Learning🕰️📜Machine Learning EcosystemTypes of Machine Learning📊Machine Learning Algorithm
Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 🌟 that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without needing explicit programming. Rather than being given step-by-step instructions, ML systems:
🧠 Analyze data,🔍 Identify patterns, and🎯 Make predictions or decisions based on that data.
At its core, machine learning teaches computers to make accurate predictions or smart decisions using data. Here are some real-world examples of what ML can do:
🏡 Predict house prices based on location, size, and number of bedrooms.🖼️ Recognize objects in images —… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI