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AI Digital Divide Crisis: Why Should You Care?
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AI Digital Divide Crisis: Why Should You Care?

Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Nima Shokouhfar

Originally published on Towards AI.

Source: By author

Picture a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t just a handy gadget β€” it’s as vital as oxygen itself, empowering you to learn, work, and shape your future like never before. But what if this priceless resource was out of your grasp, leaving you struggling to catch up, feeling powerless, and unable to unlock your true potential?

Source: By Author

This isn’t mere speculation, it’s the truth we face,

The AI Digital Divide puts many in an uncertain place.

a scenario where select few rise and thrive,

As countless others struggle just to survive.

The question is: Can we really afford to overlook this widening gap, risking a stagnating world β€” less prosperous, less fair, and far less joyful? Or will we seize the potential of AI to create a more inclusive, prosperous, and joyful future?

So, What is the good news?

Not all is lost, not all is gloom,

AI can blossom, can heal, can bloom;

AI proves beneficial in narrowing global gaps as well. Take AI language translators, for instance, which have sparked a cultural and technological revival [1]. Who knew that a AI could help you ask, β€˜Where’s the bathroom?’ in many languages? This technological marvel has revolutionized lives, particularly in developing nations, turning barriers into bridges β€” and occasionally, into hilarious misunderstandings.

Digital bridge. Source: by author

But where do we encounter the harsh reality of the AI Digital Divide in our everyday life?

From our perspective, the AI Digital Divide in Education stands out. But what makes this instance so critical compared to others?

Now, Imagine a world where AI in education doesn’t just enhance learning but becomes as essential as caffeine during finals week. What if AI could accelerate student learning to astonishing speeds, surpassing even the fastest hyperloop, and provide a tailored educational experience that was previously only imagined in sci-fi dreams? Finally, a way to learn quantum physics while simultaneously binge-watching your favorite series.

Yet, what if not all could board this rapid train?

Where some get a fast pass while others remain.

Time ticks as I stand still. Source: by author

This disparity has created a class of super-learners, those with access to AI, who rapidly climb academic and professional ranks, while others, left behind with outdated paper textbooks in overcrowded libraries, are pushed further into the margins [2]. Imagine trying to compete in a marathon where some are wearing sneakers, and others are still figuring out how to lace their boots.

Picture yourself, a decade from now, diploma in hand, stepping into a job market that doesn’t just prefer but demands ninja-level skills in AI tools like ChatGPT β€” tools that are as foreign to you as an honest politician. How would you feel? Or envision settling into an open-book exam where your peers use AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude 3 with ease, while you are left flipping through textbook pages.

Is this the future we aim to create? Source: by author

Don’t worry. It’s not all lost β€” at least, not yet. We have the power to change the course. As Will McAvoy says, β€˜The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one.

So, We’re better now than when we began,

Ready to tackle the divide, that’s the plan.

But the million-dollar question is, How to close the Digital Divide Gap?

Some folks think that AI literacy might just be the magic pill for this whole mess, turning bystanders into future architects [3][4]. According to our crystal ball, becoming the master of AI literacy is non-negotiable for sealing the massive crack we call the Digital Divide.

Mastering AI literacy is a must,

Transforming bystanders into future architects we trust.

According to Armen Kherlopian [4], β€˜In the same way that computer literacy was critical a generation ago, initially permeating only a few jobs and then almost all jobs, we are at a point in time where the same is happening for AI literacy.’ This represents a pivotal call to action β€” It’s not just about keeping up; it’s about leading the parade. Let’s dive into these transformative technologies and turn the average Joe into the commander of the digital realm!

But the next question is, is this enough?

In a world where many underprivileged countries lack internet access, authoritarian regimes filter AI tools to enforce their ideology and keep their people in the dark [2]. Can AI literacy alone solve the problem of the AI digital divide?

Nope, we need more; we need a bigger spark,

Together united, side by side. we’ll break down barriers far and wide.

But can we do it if divided and apart?

Or will this gap grow and futures fall apart?

Remember, the unholy trinity of unemployment, poverty, and hunger? Yeah, they’re leading us straight into episodes of hatred, racism, mass immigration, and wars β€” seasons no one subscribed to. Yet, there’s hope. By uniting for free and open access to AI, we empower every corner of the globe, lighting a path towards peace and prosperity. Together, we can rewrite the narrative, transforming these challenges into opportunities for all.

Inequality and despair bring hatred and fear,

Unite for free AI access, a future bright and clear.

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Let’s make AI more accessible for everyone. Source by fauxels on Pexels

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