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Minimizing the Mean Square Error:
Bayesian approach: Part 1 (a)
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Minimizing the Mean Square Error: Bayesian approach: Part 1 (a)

Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Varun Nakra

Originally published on Towards AI.

Minimizing the Mean Square Error:
Bayesian approach: Part 1 (a)

This will be a three-part series β€” Part 1 will illustrate the need of Bayesian MSE with an example; Part 2 will establish the foundation of Bayesian MSE; and, Part 3 will revert to the example in Part 1 for a conclusion and a summary. Each part will be subdivided when it gets

1. MVU estimator could be a myth!

In the article on Mean Square Error,, we talked about minimizing the mean squares using the frequentist approach and established that minimizing MSE directly is an unfeasible task in
most practical cases. Therefore, we settle for an MVUE which is the estimator with the minimum variance but with an β€˜unbiasedness’ constraint. The question then arises, does the MVU estimator always exist?

Thus, the existence of an MVU estimator for al l values of the true parameter is not always possible!

2. β€˜Sample mean of a Normal distribution is MVUE’

Say the random variable X is normally distributed with a mean Β΅ and variance Οƒ2

Consider estimating the population mean Β΅ using the sample mean for n observations x1, . . . , xn. The sample mean is the estimator of the population mean and is defined as follows

The sample mean is also the MVUE of the population mean because it is unbiased and has the minimum variance possible amongst all estimators of the population mean (we can’t do any better than Οƒ2, which is the variance of X!)

Note that the sample mean is also a random variable, because different samples would give us different values of the sample mean. Therefore, there will be a β€˜sampling’ distribution of the sample mean. What would be its PDF? Think Central Limit Theorem!! The PDF of the sample mean will also be normally distributed with mean = Β΅ and variance = Οƒ2/n.

3. But, β€˜Trimmed mean of a Normal distribution is not MVUE!’

For most practical purposes, the population mean Β΅ will be bound between a certain range of values, say [βˆ’Β΅0, Β΅0], and not positively or negatively infinite! But, using the sample mean from Equation 1 above can lead to estimates that would fall outside the desired interval. Therefore, we will have to improve our estimation by using a β€˜truncated’ or β€˜trimmed’ sample mean defined as follows

Similar to what we did earlier, we will derive the MSE of the truncated sample mean. Unfortunately, we don’t know what is the expected value of the truncated sample mean and its variance, yet. We will derive them from its PDF. The truncated sample mean is a β€˜mixed’ random variable, i.e., it has discrete values (the boundaries of the population mean) and also continuous values. Therefore, its PDF will have a combination of β€˜delta’ functions and unit step functions. In order to explain the usage of these functions for defining the PDF of the truncated mean, I will have to digress a bit.

The following is a great tutorial article on these functions and their usage in probability β€”

I implore the readers to go through this tutorial article and then come back at this point for further explanation. I will add a few pointers to help better understand these functions by referencing the aforementioned link. The following definition can be found on the bottom of that article.

The following additional points will help in understanding the form of the generalized PDF as mentioned in the above image and other concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. A completely discrete random variable experiences β€˜step jumps’ in its CDF. This is obviously because the values of the random variable are discrete, therefore, there is no β€˜continuous’ movement in the CDF from the lower discrete value to the higher discrete value. Thus, the CDF of the completely discrete random variable is defined as per the below image (from the article referenced earlier). Note that since we need to add all the

Now that we’ve explained how to use delta and step functions to define the PDF of a mixed random variable, we will compute the PDF of the trimmed mean in the sequel article β€˜Minimizing the Mean Square Error: Bayesian approach : Part 1 (b)’

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