The language of a CEO, NLP analysis of Steve Jobs commencement speech
Author(s): Michelangiolo Mazzeschi Full code available at my repo. Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Dealing with Class Imbalance β Dummy Classifiers
Author(s): Abhijeet Sahoo Originally published on Towards AI. Image credit: Let me paint a picture for you, you are a beginner to the field of Data Science and have started making your first ML model for predictions and found the accuracy …
Dealing with Class Imbalanceβββ Dummy Classifiers
Last Updated on August 1, 2020 by Editorial Team Author(s): Abhijeet Sahoo Data Science Dealing with Class ImbalanceβββDummy Classifiers Image credit: Let me paint a picture for you, you are a beginner to the field of Data Science and have started …
This AI Can Generate the Other Half of a Picture Using a GPT Model
Author(s): Louis Bouchard Originally published on Towards AI. A good AI, like the one used in Gmail, can generate coherent text and finish your phrase. This one uses the same principles in order to complete an image! All done in an unsupervised …
Image Data Augmentation using KERAS
Author(s): Deep Patel Discussing the necessity of augmenting the images for CNN to improve the accuracy of our model using different augmenting technique… Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
The Limits of Deep Learning
Author(s): Frederik Bussler Originally published on Towards AI. Deep Learning: Diminishing Returns? – Semiwiki Photo by Luca Ambrosi on Unsplash GPT-3, the latest state-of-the-art in Deep Learning, achieved incredible results in a range of language tasks without additional training. The main difference …
The Limits of Deep Learning
Author(s): Frederik Bussler Deep Learning Big compute needs limit performance, calling for more efficiency. Photo by Luca Ambrosi onΒ Unsplash GPT-3, the latest state-of-the-art in Deep Learning, achieved incredible results in a range of language tasks without additional training. The main difference between …
Curated List of Clustering Resources
Author(s): Durgesh SamariyaΒ Last updated on July 31, 2020. I am continuously updating thisΒ post. Photo by Pietro Jeng onΒ Unsplash Clustering or Cluster analysis is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group …
Deep Computer Vision for the Detection of Tantalum and Niobium Fragments in High Entropy Alloys
Author(s): Akshansh Mishra Computer Vision Deep Computer Vision is capable of doing object detection and image classification task. In image classification tasks, the particular system receives some input image and the system is aware of some predetermined set of categories or labels. …
What is the practical impact?
Author(s): Francisco Utrera Originally published on Towards AI. We discovered a novel way to use adversarially-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) in the context of transfer learning to quickly achieve higher accuracy on image classification tasks β even when limited training data is …
Adversarially-Trained Deep Nets Transfer Better
Author(s): Francisco Utrera Machine Learning What is the practical impact? We discovered a novel way to use adversarially-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) in the context of transfer learning to quickly achieve higher accuracy on image classification tasksβββeven when limited training data is …
Implement a Neural Network from Scratch with NumPy
Author(s): Dorian Lazar Originally published on Towards AI. Background image source: Wikimedia Commons I think that the best way to really understand how a neural network works is to implement one from scratch. That is exactly what I going to do through …
Could Data Science Be Your Next Learning Adventure?
Author(s): Benjamin Obi Tayo Ph.D. Photo by Holly Mandarich onΒ Unsplash Data Science Five reasons why data science is a good learning adventure toΒ pursue I. Introduction Everyone is trying to learn something new to enhance their knowledge and acquire more skills for personal/professional …
Implement a Neural Network from Scratch with NumPy
Author(s): Dorian Lazar … a thing that is not as hard as you may think Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …
Recurrent Neural Networks for Dummies
Author(s): Daksh Trehan A perfect guide to Recurrent Neural Networks Continue reading on Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal Β» Published via Towards AI …