Two More Quartic Polynomial Genetic Ratios To Help Design Your Own!
Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Greg Oliver
Originally published on Towards AI.
An Alternative Approach To Quartic Design Using Two Genetic Ratios In The Architecture β Comprising Sq Root[2] and Sq Rt[3]
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While much math teaching tends to focus on root finding techniques I believe todayβs world needs Math architects who can design functions to make robots do ever more complex things. Roots after all are just outcomes of where you place a graph in the X-Y Coordinate system. Future designers will need to better exploit functionsβ form relationships, which do not change wherever you subsequently site the thing in the Grid.
This post compliments my latest post, Designing Quartic Polynomials using The Genetic 1 : 8 Ratio, which encases all generic Turning Points between the maximum (2 converging) and the minimum point in aid of designing for numbers of real roots and Tpβs.
To get the bigger picture you might read this post with another earlier post, How Would You Like your Quartic Polynomial? which developed generic Quartics y=Axβ΄+CxΒ²+Dx +E for specified widths, heights, Tp points and root domains. By adding 2 more genetic ratios to the toolbox, design parameters are greatly increased and the math simplified.
The 2 Ratios are simply products of Sq Rt[2] and Sq Rt[3].
While study of robotics is still triaged on my list of tasks, I… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI