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Supercharge Your Data Engineering Skills with This Machine Learning Pipeline
Latest   Machine Learning

Supercharge Your Data Engineering Skills with This Machine Learning Pipeline

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): ????Mike Shakhomirov

Originally published on Towards AI.

Data modeling, Python, DAGs, Big Data file formats, costs… It covers everything

Photo by Peter Olexa on Unsplash

This is a real-life scenario when I was tasked to create a highly scalable machine learning pipeline with raw event data sent from the mobile application.

The story offers a set of advanced techniques that might be useful for interview preparation.

Learn how to work with raw data, transform it, enrich it to prepare for machine learning, export it to the data lake and archive raw when it is no longer needed.

Everything featured in this story assumes you have a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account and you are familiar with basic Python and data warehousing concepts.

If not,… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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