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My GPT-4 Prompting Methods: The Why And How For Data Visualization
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My GPT-4 Prompting Methods: The Why And How For Data Visualization

Author(s): John Loewen, PhD

Originally published on Towards AI.

My methods of using GPT-4 to optimize my data visual workflow

For the past 6 months, I have been a heavy daily GPT-4 user.

I know it makes me sound like an addict, but I have found many good reasons and many excellent use cases where this tool is an invaluable resource for improving my data workflow.

Let me fill you in on the reasons why I am using this awesome tool and then some specific examples on how I am using GPT-4 to improve my data visualization workflow.

For me, this is a super-easy question to answer, as there are a number of reasons why I am constantly in a GPT-4 chat window.

I am most often prompting this LLM for data visualization code and on-the-fly-visuals because it does all these steps very efficiently.

GPT-4 automates the tedious process of data preparation and visualization, which traditionally requires extensive coding and debugging.

This saves me a massive amount of time and effort.

A side-effect advantage to this is that I can use this time to do more thorough and iterative data explorations.

As a recent example, I was working with a UN dataset called the Global Peace Index (GPI). The original dataset looks like this:

My original CSV file showing the GPI for each country from 2008–2020

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Published via Towards AI

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