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Midjourney Personalization and SREF IDs, A Deep Dive
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Midjourney Personalization and SREF IDs, A Deep Dive

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): PromptDervish

Originally published on Towards AI.

Understanding all of the moving parts and adjusting them for maximum results.

There are so many ways to affect Midjourney styles. It can be a bit daunting to understand and use all of the features well. I decided this was a good time to back up just a little and cover familiar ground before diving into how to tinker with all the bits to get them to create the style you want. In this article, we will cover these areas:

Definitions of TermsStyle Reference Images & weightsStyle Reference IDs & weightsPersonalization & weightsPutting it all together and making it sing SREF ID and PersonalizationSREF ID used with the Midjourney default StylizationConclusionStyle Reference Image –sref [url] — is an image that transfers a style from itself to the prompt output.SREF ID –sref random or –sref ##### — one of over four billion numbers that produce different styles. Use random to have the system pick a number for you or pick something between 1 and 4.2 billion.Style Weight –sw ## — This parameter indicates how powerful the SREF image or ID is in the prompt and how much of the style will be exerted.Personalization –p or –p ##### This parameter influences your images using your own personalized style. You can also use other people’s personalization… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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