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Let’s learn about Dimensionality Reduction
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Let’s learn about Dimensionality Reduction

Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Himanshu Tripathi

Originally published on Towards AI.

Machine Learning Automation…

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Photo by Hunter Harritt on Unsplash

What is Dimensionality?

Dimensionality in statistics refers to “How many attributes a dataset has.”

For example:- We have data in spreadsheet format and we have vast amounts of variables (age, name, sex, Id, and so on..).

In a simple way “The number of input variables or features for a dataset is referred to as its dimensionality.”

Why Dimensional Reduction?

Dimensionality reduction, or dimension reduction, is the transformation of data from a high-dimensional space into a low-dimensional space so that the low-dimensional representation retains some meaningful properties of the original… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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