EHR-Safe by Google: A High-Fidelity and Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Data Framework: Page by Page Research Review
Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Dr. Mandar Karhade, MD. PhD.
Originally published on Towards AI.
EHR-Safe: Generating High-Fidelity and Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Electronic Health Records
Privacy concerns often arise as the key bottleneck for the sharing of data between consumers and data holders, particularly for sensitive data such as Electronic Health Records (EHR). This impedes the application of data analytics and ML-based innovations with tremendous potential. One promising approach to avoid such privacy concerns is to instead use synthetic data. We propose a novel generative modeling framework, EHR-Safe, for generating highly realistic and privacy-preserving synthetic EHR data. EHR-Safe is based on a two-stage model that consists of sequential encoder-decoder networks and generative adversarial networks. Our innovations focus on the key challenging aspects of real-world EHR… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI