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BERT HuggingFace Model Deployment using Kubernetes [ Github Repo] — 03/07/2024
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BERT HuggingFace Model Deployment using Kubernetes [ Github Repo] — 03/07/2024

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Vaibhawkhemka

Originally published on Towards AI.

Source: Image by Author

Github Repo : https://github.com/vaibhawkhemka/ML-Umbrella/tree/main/MLops/Model_Deployment/Bert_Kubernetes_deployment

Source: Image by Author


Model development is useless if you don’t deploy it to production, which comes with a lot of issues of scalability and portability.

I have deployed a basic BERT model from the huggingface transformer on Kubernetes with the help of docker, which will give a feel of how to deploy and manage pods on production.

Model Serving and Deployment:

ML Pipeline:


Model server (using FastAPI, uvicorn) for BERT uncased model →

Containerize model and inference scripts to create a docker image →

Kubernetes deployment for these model servers (for scalability) → Testing


Model server

Used BERT uncased model from hugging face for prediction of next word [MASK]. Inference is done using transformer-cli which uses fastapi and uvicorn to serve the model endpoints

Source: Image by Author

Server streaming:

Source: Image by Author

Testing: (fastapi docs)


Source: Image by Author
Source: Image by Author

{ “output”: [ { “score”: 0.21721847355365753, “token”: 2204, “token_str”: “good”, “sequence”: “today is a good day” }, { “score”: 0.16623663902282715, “token”: 2047, “token_str”: “new”, “sequence”: “today is a new day” }, { “score”: 0.07342924177646637, “token”: 2307, “token_str”: “great”, “sequence”: “today is a great day” }, { “score”: 0.0656224861741066, “token”: 2502, “token_str”: “big”, “sequence”: “today is a big day” }, { “score”: 0.03518620505928993, “token”: 3376, “token_str”: “beautiful”, “sequence”: “today is a beautiful day” } ]


Created a docker image from huggingface GPU base image and pushed to dockerhub after testing.

Source: Image by Author

Testing on docker container:

Source: Image by Author

You can directly pull the image vaibhaw06/bert-kubernetes:latest

Source: Image by Author

K8s deployment

Used minikube and kubectl commands to create a single pod container for serving the model by configuring deployment and service config


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: bert-deployment
app: bertapp
replicas: 1
app: bertapp
app: bertapp
- name: bertapp
image: vaibhaw06/bert-kubernetes
- containerPort: 8080

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: bert-service
type: NodePort
app: bertapp
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
nodePort: 30100

Setting up minikube and running pods using kubectl and deployment.yaml

minikube start
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Final Testing:

kubectl get all
Source: Image by Author

It took around 15 mins to pull and create container pods.

kubectl image list
Source: Image by Author
kubectl get svc
Source: Image by Author
minikube service bert-service
Source: Image by Author
Source: Image by Author

After running the last command minikube service bert-service, you can verify the resulting deployment on the web endpoint.

Find the GitHub Link: https://github.com/vaibhawkhemka/ML-Umbrella/tree/main/MLops/Model_Deployment/Bert_Kubernetes_deployment

If you have any questions, ping me on my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaibhaw-khemka-a92156176/

Follow ML Umbrella for more such detailed, actionable projects.

Future Extension:

Scaling with pod replicas and load balancer –


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Published via Towards AI

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