Arcadia: Put your LLMs to Work — Part I: Setup
Last Updated on April 3, 2024 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Tim Cvetko
Originally published on Towards AI.
Part I of the 4-Part DocuSeries on Building Arcadia — the End-to-End Platform for API ML model Billing
I call it the Anti-HuggingFace. It’s bold, capitalist, and presumptuous, and I always wanted to build it.
Back when I was conducting research for a biotech company, my brother & I came across a difficult challenge.
“How can we let another company use our proprietary ML models without giving them access to the models themselves?
The answer is: you don’t. You containerize the ML model and expose its external endpoint for API inference.
Typical System Design for Model InferenceAPI Billing: How can we ensure our users pay per API billing without heavy overload in implementation?Ensuring hosting, scalability, and single-call SDK access.
That’s why I created Arcadia — an end-to-end platform for uploading your ML models up for inference and charging for their API usage.
Watch the 1st Arcadia Demo. Sign up to the Waitlist here.
Here’s THE thing: I built Arcadia out of my own necessity to help ML teams. I did what you are not supposed to do. I built it first. And I don’t care if they come. It solved my problem.
Throughout this 4-Part Series, I’m going to take you on a journey of experimentation, frustration, and ultimately the creation of Arcadia — the platform for exposing your existing ML/LLMs to the world with zero… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI