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A Detailed Tutorial on Polynomial Regression in Python, Overview, Implementation, and Overfitting
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A Detailed Tutorial on Polynomial Regression in Python, Overview, Implementation, and Overfitting

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Rashida Nasrin Sucky

Originally published on Towards AI.

Complete code in Python

Photo by Joshua Reddekopp on Unsplash

I have been writing tutorials on Machine learning, deep learning, data visualization, analysis, and statistics for some time. But I realized I didn’t write too much about some simple machine learning pipelines that can be very useful. Though there are so many more advanced machine-learning tools and packages out there nowadays, still these simple machine-learning tools are still relevant and useful.

This article will be about Polynomial Regression basics and implementation using the scikit-learn library in Python. We will also work on an overfitting experiment for machine learning beginners.

Polynomial regression is one of the basic machine… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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