How the New OpenAI’s GPTs Service Could Be a Game-Changer for Small Businesses
Last Updated on November 15, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Andrew Akhigbe
Originally published on Towards AI.
OpenAI has recently announced a groundbreaking product, GPTs, which would allow users without any software development experience to tailor ChatGPT for particular tasks. This could be a game changer for small businesses.
Source: Image by Hatice Baran on Pexels
OpenAI has recently announced a groundbreaking product that would empower individuals and small businesses to harness the potential of its famous chatbot, ChatGPT, for their specific needs. This innovative service, aptly named GPTs, would allow users without any computer coding or software development experience to tailor ChatGPT for particular tasks.
The process is simplified: users provide GPTs with clear instructions in plain language, upload their knowledge through PDFs, videos, or other file formats, and then guide the bot toward their desired purposes, such as image creation or web searches. OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, emphasizes that… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI