AI Isn’t ‘Hitting A Wall.” Here Is Why
Author(s): Rafe Brena, Ph.D.
Originally published on Towards AI.
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Opinions about the future of AI couldn’t be more divided. I’ve found all sorts of positions, from the overly optimistic, who think that it will achieve the AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) status in a matter of months, to the AI “deniers” who think Generative AI is just an expensive flop.
Paul Pallaghy argues that “…o3 is beyond human…” but Will Lockett says, “AI Has Officially Hit A Dead End.”
Who is right?
We must examine the specific arguments to determine who’s got it right.
In this post, I’ll focus on the analysis of arguments supporting that “AI is hitting a wall;” I’ve already taken on the over-optimistic fantasies about superhuman AI capabilities in several articles, like “The “Human-level Performance” of GPT-4.”
So, let’s take a look at the arguments for claiming that AI’s hitting a wall.
I’ll take, as an example, the arguments presented in the Medium post “Why AI’s Growth Will Hit A Wall Very Very Soon” by Jano le Roux. I like that he presents his arguments upfront and then tries to substantiate each instead of throwing random negative opinions all over the place.
The arguments provided by le… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI