Computer Vision Tutorial Series M1C2
Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Sujay Kapadnis
Originally published on Towards AI.
Module 1βββImage Representation and Classification
Chapter 2β Background Replacement Of AnΒ Image
Starting here? This article is part of a computer vision Tutorial Series. Hereβs where you canΒ start.
Learning Objectives:
- Creating a mask for anΒ image
- Removing the existing background of theΒ image
- Replacing the background with the image of ourΒ choice
Pre-Requisites: Previous Tutorials
Source: Midjourney
- Imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cv2
2. Load the image and print the shape of theΒ object.
image = cv2.imread('your image')
background = cv2.imread('background image')
print('Type:', type(image),
' dimensions:', image.shape)
3. Function to change the colorspace
# Function to convert colorspace from BGR to RGB
def BGR2RGB(BGR_image):
return cv2.cvtColor(BGR_image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image = BGR2RGB(image)
background = BGR2RGB(background)
4. Create a copy and display theΒ image
image_copy = np.copy(image)
5. Declare Section Boundaries and create aΒ mask
# Next step is to declare the boundaries
lower_range = np.array([0,230,0])
upper_range = np.array([100,255,100])
# Creating a mask
masked = cv2.inRange(car,lower_range,upper_range)
6. Using the mask on the copy of an originalΒ image
# storing original image in new variable
masked_image = np.copy(image)
# Step - 1: Region where mask value is not zero i.e not black (mask != 0) is to be turn black in newly stored original image
masked_image[mask!=0] = [0,0,0]
7. Using a mask on the background
# Crop the image so that it has same dimenstions as of original image
cropped_bg = background[:image.shape[0],:image.shape[1]]
# # Now Lets get to the background we need to be replace it with
# Step 2: Remove the region of car from background image
cropped_bg[mask==0] = [0,0,0]
8. FinalΒ Output
As discussed in the previous tutorial, images are nothing but arrays and hence we can obtain the final output image just by adding the cropped background and masked image, like a puzzleβββputting it all together.
final = cropped_bg+masked_image
9. PlottingΒ Function
def Plotting(mask,masked_image,cropped_bg,output_image):
f,(ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4) = plt.subplots(1,4,figsize=(30,10))
ax3.set_title('Cropped Background')
10. Put it allΒ together
# Combining Everything in one function
def BG_replacement(image,background,lower_range,upper_range):
# Step1 - Creating a mask
mask = cv2.inRange(image,lower_range,upper_range)
# Step2 - Using mask on copy of original image
masked_image = np.copy(image)
masked_image[mask!=0] = [0,0,0]
# Step3 - Using mask on background
cropped_bg = background[:image.shape[0],:image.shape[1]]
cropped_bg[mask==0] = [0,0,0]
# Creating output image by adding images obtained in step2 and step
output_image = masked_bulb + cropped_bg
# Final Plot
Wrap Up
With this, we have completed our learning objectives for thisΒ lesson.
Declaring the section boundaries was pretty easy for this example because the background was green, and green can be easily represented by (0,255,0) in the RGB channel, but what if the background is not one of R/G/B colors? For that, I have covered one more example of a bulb with a pink-colored background. To understand how to perform the same procedure on the pink color, you can refer to this notebook.
Link toΒ GitHub.
This is it for Image Representation and Classification in the next module, i.e., Module 2: Convolutional Filters and edges we willΒ learn:
- Fourier Transform
- What are filters, and how to createΒ one
- Gaussian kernel
- Fourier Transform andΒ filters
- Canny EdgeΒ Detector
- What is hough space and muchΒ more
This is it for this article. See you at the nextΒ one
Until then, Follow for more, and donβt forget to connect with me on LinkedIn.β€β€β€
Computer Vision Tutorial Series M1C2 was originally published in Towards AI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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Published via Towards AI