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Semantic Search Engine Using Langchain
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Semantic Search Engine Using Langchain

Author(s): Lo Zarantonello

Originally published on Towards AI.

Load and query a PDF locally using Langchain

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In this post, I am loosely following Build a semantic search engine on Lnagchain, adding some explanation about Embeddings and Vector Store.

We start by installing @langchain/community and pdf-parse in a new directory.

npm i @langchain/community pdf-parseThe @langchain/community package contains a range of third-party integrationsThe pdf-parse package is a β€œpure javascript cross-platform module to extract texts from PDFs.”

Below, you can see how @langchain/community fits into the Langchain ecosystem.

Langchain ecosystem

In the same directory, we can create a new index.js file and add the following code.

import { PDFLoader } from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/pdf";const loader = new PDFLoader("./pdfs/letter-to-shareholders-amazon.pdf");// loads one Document object per PDF pageconst docs = await loader.load();console.log(docs.length);

PDFLoader loads one Document object per PDF page. So, in my case, docs is an array of 8 Document objects because the PDF is 8 pages long.

// Document object{ pageContent: String, metadata: { source: './pdfs/letter-to-shareholders-amazon.pdf', pdf: { version: '1.10.100', info: [Object], metadata: null, totalPages: 8 }, loc: { pageNumber: 1 } }, id: undefined}

To run the loader in a node environment, we can simply run

node index.js

Node doesn’t recognize ES modules by default so we need to add the following type field in package.json.

{ "dependencies": { "@langchain/community": "^0.3.28",… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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