NN#1 — Neural Networks Decoded: Concepts Over Code
Author(s): RSD Studio.ai
Originally published on Towards AI.
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We stand at the cusp of an era where Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming our world. From self-driving cars navigating complex streets to AI assistants anticipating our needs, the impact of intelligent machines is becoming increasingly profound. But where did this journey begin? What were the initial sparks of inspiration that led to the creation of these sophisticated systems we call Neural Networks?
This article, the first in our series “Neural Networks Decoded: Concepts Over Code”, takes a step back to explore the very conception of neural networks. We won’t dive into code or complex equations just yet. Instead, we’ll embark on a journey to understand the origins of this revolutionary technology, tracing its roots back to the remarkable organ that inspired it all: the human brain.
Think about it: for centuries, humans have been fascinated by the mystery of their own minds. How does this intricate network of biological tissue give rise to consciousness, thought, and learning? It’s this very question that sparked the initial dreams of creating artificial intelligence, and neural networks were born from the desire to mimic, in a computational form, the brain’s fundamental architecture.
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Published via Towards AI