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[Miqu-1–70b] Where does Miqu come from? Is it really Mistral-Medium?
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[Miqu-1–70b] Where does Miqu come from? Is it really Mistral-Medium?

Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Gao Dalie (高達烈)

Originally published on Towards AI.

The reason this news has received so much attention is related to a mysterious model called ‘Miqu

This video aims to be your comprehensive guide to Miqu-1–70b, Test Model, where Miqu-1–70b does come from, and Who the leaker is

Around January 28, a user named ‘Miqu Dev’ published a set of files on the open-source AI model and code-sharing platform HuggingFace. These files together constitute what appears to be a new open-source large language model called ‘Miqu-1–70b’.

On the Hugging Face platform’s miqu-1–70b project, multiple posts pointed out that the “prompt format” of this new large language model and the way users interact with it are the same as the Mistral Medium model being developed by Mistral AI.

On the same day, an anonymous user on 4chan (possibly “Miqu Dev”) posted a link to the miqu-1–70b file on 4chan, and the project gained traction.

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