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How AI is Transforming Evaluation Practices
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How AI is Transforming Evaluation Practices

Author(s): Mirko Peters

Originally published on Towards AI.

This post explores the transformative effects of advanced data integration and AI technologies in evaluation processes within the public sector, emphasizing the potential, challenges, and future implications of these innovations.

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Source: Data & Analytics YouTube Channel

When I first stumbled upon the complexities of blending diverse data sources, I felt like I was trying to solve a puzzle where pieces came from entirely different sets. This revelation led me down a fascinating path exploring how today’s technology reshapes our understanding of massive, intertwined data landscapes. As I dived deeper, I realized that this wasn’t just about managing data; it was about transforming how we evaluate public policies and services in a digitally driven age. This post unpacks the integral role of AI, machine learning, and other tech advancements in honing our evaluation practices.

Source: Mirko Peters β€” Challenges in Data Integration [Napkin.AI]

When I think about the challenges we face in the realm of data, a vivid image comes to mind: a jigsaw puzzle scattered across a table. Each piece represents a different type of data. Some are traditional databases, while others emerge from social media, online surveys, and various digital sources. The task at hand is clear: we must find a way to fit these pieces together to see the whole picture.

The integration of data is not just about quantity; it’s… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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