Unlock the full potential of AI with Building LLMs for Production—our 470+ page guide to mastering LLMs with practical projects and expert insights!

Category: Machine Learning

10 Important Blogs to Stay Updated with LLM Research & News
Reinforcement Learning: Introducing Deep Q* Networks — Part 6
Adversarial Machine Learning: Defense Strategies
Generative AI Foundations: Training a Vanilla GAN for Fashion
Bayesian analysis and decision theory: application to determine a decision point for classification problems
A Complete Guide to Descriptive Statistics — Central Tendency and Dispersion
From Concept to Creation: U-Net for Flawless Inpainting
Important LLMs Papers for the Week from 08/07 to 14/07
Fine-Tuning LLMs with Synthetic Data for High-Quality Content Generation
Quantization: Post Training Quantization, Quantization Error, and Quantization Aware Training