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Category: Computer Vision

This AI removes the water from underwater images!
Detecting Marine Creatures using the Monk Object Detection Library
What is Perspective Warping ? | OpenCV and Python
Reconstruct Photorealistic Scenes from Tourists’ Public Photos on the Internet!
What is a Canny Edge Detection Algorithm?
CVML Annotation — What it is and How to Convert it?
Easing up the process of Tensorflow 2.0 Object Detection API and TensorRT
ECCV 2020 Best Paper Award | A New Architecture For Optical Flow
Flask Web Application with Python
Step By Step Guide In Creating Your Own Emotion Recognition System
Car and Pool Detector Using Monk AI
Hand-Segmentation Application(Ego-Hands Dataset) using Monk AI
Object Detection — Document Layout Analysis Using Monk AI
Yolo-v5 Object Detection on a custom dataset.
Sign Language classification using MonkAI