Writing TFRecord Files the Right Way
Author(s): Dimitre Oliveira Originally published on Towards AI. Machine Learning How to properly generate TFRecord files from your datasets The TFRecord format is a simple format for storing a sequence of binary records. In this post you will learn why and when …
This Open Source Framework was Created by LinkedIn to Simplify the Interoperability Between TensorFlow and Spark
Author(s): Jesus Rodriguez Originally published on Towards AI. Spark-TFRecord enables the processing of TensorFlowβs TFRecord structures in Apache Spark. Source: KDNuggets I recently started an AI-focused educational newsletter, that already has over 80,000 subscribers. TheSequence is a no-BS (meaning no hype, no …
How To Use Machine Learning on Lung Cancer with Weka and Python
Author(s): Ashutosh Malgaonkar Originally published on Towards AI. I. Dataset Information Photo by Dmitriy Ermakov on Unsplash I. Dataset InformationII. Downloading the DataIII. Python Data PrepIV. Weka ImplementationV. AccuracyVI. Confusion MatrixVIII. References The following information is listed on the source website. Source: …
How Reinforcement Learning is Transforming Banking and Finance For Good
Author(s): Nishu Jain Originally published on Towards AI. DEEP LEARNING, FUTURE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Photo by Karolina Grabowska from PexelsRead and Listen β For a better experience Over the last few years, reinforcement learning (RL) applications are creating countless innovations for various industries. …
How Natural Language Processing Improves Clinical Evaluation Reports for Medical Devices
Author(s): Gaugarin Oliver Originally published on Towards AI. Natural Language Processing The EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) of 2017 (also known as Regulation (EU) 2017/745) has had a huge impact on the regulation of medical devices in Europe, including more stringent manufacturer …
CAPTCHAs v/s MACHINES: A Bitter Rivalry?
Author(s): Daksh Trehan Originally published on Towards AI. Machine Learning, Cybersecurity And how to crack CAPTCHA using Machine Learning! I am kind of amazed by the technology, sometimes, it hooks me to weird-yet-interesting short videos, other times, it asks me to prove, …
Hands-on CI/CD Bitbucket Pipeline for Data Scientists
Author(s): Rahul V. Veettil Originally published on Towards AI. Code and Docker image Take the first step into MLOps Quinten de Graaf https://unsplash.com/photos/L4gN0aeaPY4 The rapid research and development of AI technologies have increased the need for data scientists to be familiar with …