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Why Your Next CFO Should Be a Data Scientist: Driving Business Decisions With Data Science And Analytics
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Why Your Next CFO Should Be a Data Scientist: Driving Business Decisions With Data Science And Analytics

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Courtlin Holt-Nguyen

Originally published on Towards AI.

The Intersection of Data and Finance: The Emergence of the Financial Data Scientist Role

Photo by Ibrahim Boran on UnsplashPhoto by Leif Christoph Gottwald on Unsplash

In the face of increasing business complexities and competitive landscapes, there’s a major shift happening in the office of the CFO (Chief Financial Officer). As businesses continue to generate and store vast amounts of data, the focus is shifting from traditional financial management towards a data-driven approach in decision-making. Consequently, the role of the CFO is evolving, and the finance chief is becoming an integral driver of data analytics within business units.

Previously, CFOs heavily relied on their financial knowledge, industry experience, and business intuition to navigate their organization’s strategic… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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