Transforming Canada’s Digital Future: A Blueprint for Success
Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Cezary Gesikowski
Originally published on Towards AI.
How the Government of Canada is revolutionizing digital service delivery and embracing cutting-edge technology
image: Unsplash
Imagine a world where Canadians can access government services with a single click, where digital experiences are seamless and catered to their needs. That’s the vision the Government of Canada (GC) is working towards, and in this article, we’ll break down the key strategies and steps they’re taking to create this digital landscape as outlined in the recent GC White Paper on Service and Digital Target Enterprise Architecture.
The Service and Digital Target Enterprise Architecture supports the Policy on Service and Digital by providing a framework for the digital transformation of government services. This framework aims to address the challenges… Read the full blog for free on Medium.
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Published via Towards AI