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The Day AI Dreams Humans Up: What Happens When Our Stories Are Told by Immortal Minds
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The Day AI Dreams Humans Up: What Happens When Our Stories Are Told by Immortal Minds

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Cezary Gesikowski

Originally published on Towards AI.

How to resist the rise of the AI influence on humanity and preserve the individual personality

“And the ridiculous impotence of words in the face of life!”― Witold Gombrowicz, Diary, 1955

image: An encrypted message relying on human ingenuity to be deciphered [copy of an old internet meme]

You hear it everywhere to the point of mockery: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing this, AI is changing that, AI is changing everything, everywhere, all the time, and seemingly all at once. What has gotten into the human race? Let’s talk about a world that’s taking a weird (though maybe significant) turn, one where storytellers are not just people but … machines. What? I don’t want a mechanical sausage as… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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