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Smart Cities Can Help Us Tackle The Climate Crisis-Part Two
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Smart Cities Can Help Us Tackle The Climate Crisis-Part Two

Last Updated on July 20, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Charles Towers-Clark

Originally published on Towards AI.

Smart cities can give us the space- and energy-savings that we will need to address the imminent climate crisis. New technologies, in transport, utilities and new renewable energy solutions are making the dream of sustainable smart cities a reality FREEPIK

There is no longer any credible reason to deny our part in the climate crisis. We are now facing the destruction of vital ecosystems, and every year 12.6 million people die because of environmental pollution. Cutting edge smart city technologies may be our most useful weapon in the fight against the climate crisis, helping us to reduce our impact on the… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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