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Provocatively, Microsoft Researchers Say They Found “Sparks of Artificial Intelligence” in GPT-4
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Provocatively, Microsoft Researchers Say They Found “Sparks of Artificial Intelligence” in GPT-4

Last Updated on November 5, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): LucianoSphere

Originally published on Towards AI.

Just a provocative preprint title, or a real path to Artificial General Intelligence through language?
Photo by Michael Behrens on Unsplash

In the (very!) dynamic and rapidly evolving realm of artificial intelligence, the quest for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI for short in the rest of this post) has long been the holy grail of scientists and technologists, and has nourished the imagination of science fiction writers. The search for machines that can truly think and reason like humans continues to captivate the minds of scientists and researchers. Think for example of Star Trek’s Data, a fully capable android -whose main ambition, by the way, was to grasp true human intelligence and, ultimately, to become human.

Recent developments… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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