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Prompting GPT-4 To Extract Data From Map Images: Does it Work Well?
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Prompting GPT-4 To Extract Data From Map Images: Does it Work Well?

Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): John Loewen, PhD

Originally published on Towards AI.

Analysis and interpretation of choropleth map images
Dall-E 2: An impressionist painting in vivid, bright colours, of a map of the world

One of the relatively new capabilities of GPT-4 is the ability to extract quantitative data from images — including charts AND maps.

As recently as the past few days, the GPT-4 interface has gone through some pretty big changes — separate tools and plug-ins (ie. Advanced Data Analysis tool) have been integrated into the main GPT-4 chat interface.

This simplifies even more the process of automating data science tasks with GPT-4.

So, armed with just a GPT-4 prompt, I decided to put this tool to the test with some… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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