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Learning Kubernetes the Right Way In 2024
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Learning Kubernetes the Right Way In 2024

Author(s): Mélony Qin (aka cloudmelon)

Originally published on Towards AI.

Do you know OpenAI is deployed on Kubernetes and scaling to 7,500 worker nodes? When we talk about Kubernetes slots into microservices architecture, when we talk about a single unit of the loosely coupled unit, putting it into a container or leveraging Serverless functions are both viable solutions.

A container is a way to package and isolate an application and its dependencies in a way that allows them to be easily moved from one computing environment to another, a.k .a. portability. Plus, it makes deploying apps consistent and reliable, regardless of their computer setup.


It’s pretty straightforward handling just a few containers for testing or development. But things get tricky when dealing with hundreds or thousands, especially in enterprise-grade environments, managing networking, deployments, configuration, etc. Suddenly, everything becomes a struggle. That’s where the container orchestrator, such as Kubernetes, comes in.

So, in this blog post, let’s dig into Kubernetes and what makes it such a big deal in managing this container chaos.

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Published via Towards AI

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