Intro to Neural Networks (Brilliant.org)
Last Updated on June 9, 2020 by Editorial Team
Author(s): Alison Sin
Neural Networks
These are the notes Iβve taken while going through this course at Brilliant.org.Β π since a premium membership might not be universally accessible and they did an outstanding job explaining the concept in simple terms, I decided to share some insightsΒ π
Note: All credits go to Brilliant.org!
I. Introduction
A. Why Artificial Neural NetworksΒ (ANNs)?
Because some problems X be solved with programming.
e.g. a vision problem: object recognition [classifying simpleΒ objects]
β the main difference: different number ofΒ corners
B. What is anΒ ANN?
An ANN is made up of ANs (artificial neurons).
Features ofΒ AN:
i) follow the rules mechanically from input toΒ output
ii) learn by feedback reinforcement:
1. ANN is fed with input β make the bestΒ guess
2. if correct β nothing happensΒ VS
If wrong β adjust the internal configuration to change computation
II. Neurons
- Types: 1. Binary Neurons, 2. Sigmoid, 3.Β Identity
- Act as: 1) classifiers β 2) predictors
Can adjust: 1) bias (threshold), 2) weights (influence)
- Binary Neurons (~ DecisionΒ Box)
a) perform βAND,β βORβ by changing theΒ bias
e.g., with two inputs (I1,Β I2)
if I1 + I2 β₯ bias βΒ βONβ
b) can perform βXORβ β by introducing -veΒ inputs
Intro to Neural Networks (Brilliant.org) was originally published in Towards AIβββMultidisciplinary Science Journal on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Published via Towards AI