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Image Synthesis and Editing from Hand-Drawn Color Strokes: SDEdit. No more tedious training is needed!
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Image Synthesis and Editing from Hand-Drawn Color Strokes: SDEdit. No more tedious training is needed!

Last Updated on July 20, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Louis Bouchard

Originally published on Towards AI.

Say goodbye to complex GAN and transformer architectures for image generation. This new method can generate new images from any user-based inputs.

Originally published on louisbouchard.ai, read it 2 days before on my blog!

Say goodbye to complex GAN and transformer architectures for image generation. This new method by Changing Meng et al. from Stanford University and Carnegie Mellon University can generate new images from any user-based inputs. Even people like me with zero artistic skills can now generate beautiful images or modifications out of quick sketches. It may sound weird at first, but by just adding noise to the input, they can smooth out the undesirable artifacts, like the user edits, while preserving the overall structure of the image. So the image… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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