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Harmonizing Digital CX Channels: The Four-Quadrant Synergy Model of Chatbots and ChatGPT in Modern Organizations
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Harmonizing Digital CX Channels: The Four-Quadrant Synergy Model of Chatbots and ChatGPT in Modern Organizations

Last Updated on November 5, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Francis Adrian Viernes

Originally published on Towards AI.

How the Modern Organization Can Utilize Both Chatbots and ChatGPT
Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

The benefits of using technology, particularly automation, have already been discussed, quantified, and validated by numerous sources and accounts.

Some of the advantages include cost-efficiency both in time and actual manpower hired, ease of data analysis, consistency and quality, and global scalability.

What needs to be discussed, however, is how some industries are more aversive to the complete adoption of these technologies than the traditional ones, like real estate and finance. And they are for good reasons.

Take the case of real estate, for example. Real estate involves life-altering decisions, requiring customer service to answer both straightforward questions like… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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