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GPT-4o Python Charting Insanity: Prompting For Instant Data Visuals
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GPT-4o Python Charting Insanity: Prompting For Instant Data Visuals

Last Updated on January 7, 2025 by Editorial Team

Author(s): John Loewen, PhD

Originally published on Towards AI.

Hands-on no-code visuals from the UN population projection dataset

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The automatic data visualization generation tools for GPT-4o keep getting better and better.

You can upload multiple CSV (and XSLX) files and ask GPT-4o to look at them and provide you with a list of the structure and data values in the file.

AND you can then prompt this LLM to create Python code to clean the data AND provide data visualizations of charts and maps.

This is incredibly useful. Let me show you how it works.

For this exercise, we will be using a population projection dataset from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs website (HERE).

You can click on the β€œProbabilistic Projections”, β€œPopulation Percentage” and then β€œPopulation by Age β€” both sexes” . Visually, this is what you should see:

Downloading XLSX worksheets for probablistic population projections by age

The file downloads as an xlsx with multiple worksheets. I selected the β€œMedian” worksheet, deleted the first 15 rows of descriptive information and exported this as a CSV called β€œpp_median_country.csv”

A recent article in the New York Times used this data set to highlight countries that are projected to have β€œaging” populations β€” putting a heavier strain on such things as national pension plans… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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