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From Inner Landscapes to AI Wisdom: Unraveling the Self Through Positive Disintegration and Generative AI
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From Inner Landscapes to AI Wisdom: Unraveling the Self Through Positive Disintegration and Generative AI

Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Editorial Team

Author(s): Cezary Gesikowski

Originally published on Towards AI.

How Large Language Models like ChatGPT can redefine personal growth, self-awareness, and moral development in the age of technology

“The concerns that define our time require much more than just better policy. They require whole new ways of understanding and whole new ways of being. They require that we re-ask the most elemental questions about who we are and how our world works, that we step forward into a new chapter in the human experience.”—Charles M. Johnston, Necessary Wisdom

image by the author via Midjourney v5 U+007C Inner Landscape as Code

I have always been drawn to the challenge of articulating the ineffable as if capturing the deepest essence of my individual experience were the key to a life well-lived. Perhaps,… Read the full blog for free on Medium.

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Published via Towards AI

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